Borough of
New Bethlehem

210 Lafayette Street
New Bethlehem, PA. 16242
Phone: (814) 275-2003
Fax: (814) 275-4269
[email protected]

Snow Maintenance/Removal

In response to recent Winter Snow Storm weather conditions, New Bethlehem Borough reminds owners, occupants or tenants of property within the borough, they are required to remove snow and ice from their sidewalks within 24 hours after it has ceased to fall or form. The snow removed from the sidewalks shall be piled along the curb line and not thrown onto the street. Ordinance 883 requires sidewalks to be cleared within 24 hours after snow ends for the safety for our citizens, postal workers, students, pedestrians and those in wheelchairs who use the sidewalks.

Complaints or concerns may be directed to Borough Council ([email protected]) and violations to our local Police Department (814.275.1180). The Borough is aware of problems created by plowed snow landing on sidewalks and is trying to work with Penn Dot to correct those concerns.

The Borough maintains list of folks (businesses & individuals) willing to clear sidewalks and driveways to be distributed to those requesting assistance (elderly, handicapped etc).  If you would like to be included on the list, please contact the Borough with your name and contact information.  Inclusion on the list will not be an endorsement, only information to put those willing to work, in communication with those who need to hire someone to clear their walks.

New Bethlehem Borough Council thanks you for your cooperation.

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